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Children & Families


During 9am contemporary & 11am traditional worship services, children through 3rd grade will spend the first 15 minutes in worship and then will leave with our Children’s Director after the children’s sermon to attend junior church. Please remember to check your child in.

Nursery is available at all services. Please remember to check your child in. 

Sunday School 

During the 10am Community Hour we  have Sunday School time for children and youth Pre-K through 12th grade. Visit the Welcome Desk for directions and classrooms.




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Jackson would love to meet up with you! Send him an email to set up a time to get together

ADULT youth leaders NEEDED

Adult Volunteers are vital to the growth of youth ministry. We need your support to teach, chaperone events and mentor.

Contact Jackson for more information! 

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Middle School
High School


“It is not good for man to be alone. The Christian Life is about connections and relationships; even our God is a relationship of Three Persons. ”

Get connected with a small group or Sunday School class during the 10am Community hour, or join us for a “Faith Matters” discussion in First Hall.


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Senior Adults

SENIORS FIRST is a community dedicated to building relationships, fostering spiritual growth and providing assistance, through socializing, visiting, resource building, loving and caring.

We offer a variety of activities for our more mature citizens to get together and deepen their relationships with Christ and each other, including monthly luncheons, day trips and forum discussions.

Prayer & Spiritual Growth

Every Christian is to become a little Christ.— C.S. Lewis

Spiritual growth is the process of becoming more like Christ. There is one aspect of spiritual growth that is paradoxical:  We cannot make spiritual growth happen; yet it cannot happen without us. Spiritual growth is God’s gift to us as we pursue him.

We pursue God when we read and study the Bible, pray, fellowship, worship and serve others. Through the centuries these practices have been encouraged as a way to focus more fully on our relationship with the triune God.

Spiritual growth is not easy. Let’s journey together to become more like Christ.


The Church “The Kingdom grows each time beautiful worship is offered to God, each time a child learns the story of salvation from a Sunday school teacher, each time a small group welcomes a new member.”

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The City “The Kingdom grows each time we offer a meal or a drink to those who are hungry or thirsty, each time we visit those in prison, each time we care for the sick, each time we defend the defenseless.”

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The World “The Kingdom grows as we defeat poverty and disease, as we make peace, as we welcome orphans into homes, as we release the captive and as we share the gospel with the lost.”

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